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Learn how to shift your paradigms in 5 simple steps without the frustration of uncertainty!

Have you ever wondered why people with superior knowledge and skills consistently get inferior results? Allow me to explain why!

The Power of Paradigms ~ Early in life, we form paradigms as we are fed information through various channels. While an adult has both a conscious and subconscious mind, we are not born that way. Infants are born with what is often referred to as the reptilian brain --- which houses the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is developed over time as the subconscious is fed various information.

The information that the subconscious mind receives will set up certain beliefs and assumptions about how the world works. These beliefs and assumptions will dictate how a person responds to every situation in life. It will determine if they face life as a victim --- believing that life is happening to them rather than believing that life is responding to them. These paradigms are so powerful that they govern all human activity --- literally programming how we live our lives.

Some operate from a paradigm that life will pay whatever price they ask of it when they ask intelligently, with specificity and purpose. Because they believe this, they go after the things in life they want without being bound to mental limitations that tell them they cannot have it.


In the past, I have charged $4,995 for the basic version of this course, but for a limited time, you can get the advanced version for $34.99.



During the course you will:

Learn how your conscious mind and subconscious mind work together to influence your choices, thoughts and behavior

Discover the Reticular Activating System --- a part of your brain's servo-mechanism that will literally guide you to success!

Learn how to manage fear and trepidation when embracing new thoughts and ideas that will advance you toward your goals



Develop an understanding of why focusing on what you don't want actually works against you

Learn the techniques that will allow you to create paradigms shifts that serve your interests

Overcome past beliefs that negatively impact what you believe is possible for you.



Learn from industry experts

Join our panelists for a discussion and Q&A about how they've created winning strategies at their companies.

The first customer benefit

Angelica Jones

Director of Marketing

Company Name

The second customer benefit

Jamie Wheeler

Sr. Marketing Manager

Company Name

The third customer benefit

Karly Smith

Marketing and Brand

Company Name