
Learn to create massive paradigm shifts.

Use the power of your mind to unleash the infinite possibilities associated with the vision you desire to live out. 

With This Course You Get:

The Power of Paradigms ~ Breaking Free of Psychological Bondage

Creating a Massive Paradigm Shift!


Learn how to shift your paradigms in 5 simple steps without the frustration of uncertainty!

The Power of Paradigms ~ Breaking Free of Psychological Bondage is a digital & print course that I have prepared to provide the basic blueprint for creating paradigmatic shifts in your life. These massive shifts will bear themselves out in your productivity in every area of your life.

You will learn how your conscious mind and subconscious mind work together. You will be introduced to the Reticular Activating System --- a part of your brain's servo-mechanism that will literally guide you to success, as well as understand how neurology plays an integral role in your growth and change to adjust to your needs and desires.

Have you ever wondered why people with superior knowledge and skills consistently get inferior results? Allow me to explain why!

The Power of Paradigms ~ Early in life, we form paradigms as we are fed information through various channels. While an adult has both a conscious and subconscious mind, we are not born that way. Infants are born with what is often referred to as the reptilian brain --- which houses the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is developed over time as the subconscious is fed various forms of information.

The subconscious mind's information will set up certain beliefs and assumptions about how the world works. These beliefs and assumptions will dictate how a person responds to every situation in life. It will determine if they face life as a victim --- believing that life is happening to them rather than believing that life is responding to them. These paradigms are so powerful that they govern all human activity --- literally programming how we live our lives.

If you want to see noticeable changes in the results you are getting in your life, you will have to create a paradigm shift that will support your new vision.

I believe in people investing in themselves, yet I am always willing to meet people halfway. To prove this once again, I am offering this $899 course for $27. That's right, for less than $30, you get the entire digital program that provides the step-by-step details to guide you to the paradigm shift you desire.

The mind is extremely powerful, and it can lock you into an unfulfilled life, but I am offering you the tool through which you will break free of the psychological bondage of a faulty paradigm to create a new lens through which to view life—setting you free to pursue your vision.

My great-grandfather always told me to make sure I gave people more than what they paid for. He was talking about ensuring that everything I charged for had value. I think I have already covered that, but I am not done.

When you purchase the course, I will give you a FREE Rapid Change Breakthrough session with me ($350 value). You can use the session before or after you start the course. It is up to you. Now, that is more than $1,200 of products and services, all for $27.


Important Announcement: I am currently transforming this digital course into an online course that will be priced at least $1,500, and the current price will disappear. If you act now, not only will you get the digital course and the bonuses for $27, but you will have access to the online course when it launches later this week. 


I am not done yet!

Conditional Service Guarantee: After completing the course, if you are not satisfied with the results, I will personally work with you for six weeks to ensure you get the desired results. Simply provide proof that you have completed all the course work, and I will gladly schedule our time together.

So, let's get you signed up now!

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My Favorite Quote:

"If the vision you have for your life isn't so huge it intimidates you, there's a good chance it's insulting God." ~ Steven Furtick