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10 Powerful Steps to Conquer Fear

10 Powerful Steps to Conquer Fear

Conquering Fear ~ three-emotions-you-experience-when-conquering-fear

Conquering Fear to Win in Life

Actor-Entertainer Will Smith once said, “God put everything worth having on the other side of fear.” I tend to agree with Will on this assessment. Think about your biggest goal. Why haven’t you accomplished it yet? If you’re like most people, the answer is basic: fear. Fear is the limiting factor stopping you from working toward what you want. Fear distracts us and leads to excuses – but it doesn’t have to. Overcoming fear is one of the most liberating pursuits you can undertake.

Learning how to overcome fear and anxiety can be intimidating if you don’t understand the mechanisms behind them. Before you criticize yourself for feeling afraid, recognize that fear is a normal evolutionary response. While it may not feel like it, your body and brain are communicating with you when you experience fear. Your job is to interpret the communication accurately. Unfortunately, most people magnify the fear response and completely shut down.

  1. Identify Your Fears

The first step to conquering fear is to identify and understand it. What is it that you fear? Is it the fear of failure? Or the fear of success? Or is it the fear of rejection? Once you’ve identified the fear, you can start to address it.

Take a few moments to consider the fear and how it affects you. If you can, write down your thoughts and feelings about it. This process will help you to recognize the fear and begin to take steps to overcome it.

When working with my clients, my goal is to provide proper context to fear—to place it in the proper perspective.

  1. Recognize Fear Can Work to Your Advantage

Once you’ve identified your fear, it’s essential to recognize that it can be used to your advantage. Fear can be a source of motivation, helping you to stay focused on achieving your goals. It can also help you to stay alert and aware of potential risks. Fear can be a powerful tool, but you must learn to use it correctly.

Take some time to think about how you can use fear to your advantage. Visualize how it can help you reach your goals and stay focused on the task on which you are focused. This visualization type can help you stay motivated and focused on achieving success.

  1. Spend Time With Your Fear

Once you’ve identified and recognized your fear, it’s time to spend some time with it. Don’t try to push it away or ignore it; instead, sit with it and observe it. Notice how it affects your body and your mind. Focus on understanding it and learning from it.

The more you understand your fear, the less power it will have over you. You’ll begin to recognize the situations that trigger it and better respond to them more healthily. Spend time with your fear; it will soon become a valuable ally rather than a hindrance.

  1. Create Goals That Are “Musts”

When conquering fear, it’s important to set goals you’re willing to work hard to achieve. If your goals are too easy, you won’t be motivated to push yourself because they lack urgency. However, if you set goals that are too hard, you’ll be more likely to give up. Your goals should challenge you.

Create goals that are challenging but achievable. Make sure they are something you’re passionate about and willing to work hard to achieve. When you set “musts” rather than “wants,” you’ll be more likely to stay focused and motivated to reach your goals.

My favorite quote is by Steven Furtick. “If the vision you have for your life isn’t so huge it intimidates you, there’s a good chance it’s insulting God.”

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  1. Recognize the Excuses

Fear often leads. We make excuses for why we can’t do something or are not good enough. It’s important to recognize these excuses and to challenge them. Ask yourself if these excuses are valid or if they’re just an easy way out.

If you find yourself making excuses, take a few moments to think about what’s really stopping you from achieving your goals. It may be fear, but it may also be something else. Once you understand the real issue, you will notice its impact on your life regarding your goals and life in general.

Surround yourself with people who are successful and ambitious. These people will give you the motivation and support you need to stay focused and achieve your goals. Spend time with people who will encourage and challenge you to be the best version of yourself.

  1. Adopt a Growth Mindset

Fear often leads to a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset is the belief that your talents, skills, and abilities are fixed and can’t be changed. This fixed mindset can lead to a lack of motivation and a feeling of helplessness.

Adopting a growth mindset can help you to overcome fear. A growth mindset focuses on learning, growth, and improvement. It recognizes that your abilities can be developed and improved. Developing a growth mindset can help you stay motivated and keep working toward your goals.

  1. Value Insight in Pain

Fear can be painful, but it can also be a source of insight. Instead of avoiding fear, try to see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Ask yourself what it’s teaching you and how you can use it to become a better version of yourself.

Pain can be a source of insight if you’re willing to take the time to learn from it. Take a few moments to reflect on your fear and explore what it teaches you. Reflection can help you to become stronger and more resilient in the face of fear.

  1. Visualize Your Goals

The ability to visualize goals is a powerful tool for overcoming fear. Take some time to visualize your goals and what it will feel like to achieve them. Imagine the feeling of success and the sense you’ll get when you reach your goal.

Visualization can keep you focused on achieving your goals. It can remind you why you’re working hard and help you stay on track.

  1. Accept You Will Fail

Finally, it’s vital to accept that you’ll fail sometimes. Fear often leads to perfectionism, which can be debilitating. Perfectionism can lead to paralysis and procrastination, which can keep you from taking any action at all.

Accept that you’ll fail sometimes and that it’s okay. Failure is a part of life, and it’s inevitable. Embrace failure and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. In my life, I simply learned to fail forward.

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Fear can be a powerful force that keeps us from achieving our goals, but it doesn’t have to be. By understanding fear and its mechanisms, we can learn to use it to our advantage and to stay motivated and focused on achieving success. Recognize your fear, create goals that are “musts,” and surround yourself with success. Adopt a growth mindset, value the insight hidden in pain, and accept that you will fail. Finally, visualize your goals and use them as a source of motivation. By taking these steps, you can conquer your fear and achieve success.

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