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Life Will Pay Whatever Price You Demand of It!

Life Will Pay Whatever Price You Demand of It!

Life Will Pay Whatever Price You Demand of It!   The one thing I can tell you with great certainty is that life will pay whatever price you demand of it. In the building of my core knowledge, I have studied all of those who have been able to have a massive impact on the lives of others, including the Dean of Success coaching, Earl Nightingale, as well as Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Eric Thomas, David Bayer, Les Brown and more. I have anatomized and dissected literary work like "The Alchemist," "The Science of Getting Rich," "Think & Grow Rich," "Awakening the Sleeping Giant," "As a Man Thinketh," and so much more. What I can tell you is that life is not happening to you; it is responding to you. Unlike any other species on this planet, you have the power to completely change your environment, your reality and the results that you are getting in life. I teach my clients that your mind is the genesis of your destiny and your thoughts are the seeds of your future fortune. Not everyone is in the same situation, some people don't even have a clue of what is possible for them --- believing that poverty and suffering are their lots in life. Others know that there is something better, but they confused as to how to obtain it. There is so much noise being made with advice and instructions on how to get it that they simply become frustrated. No matter who you are and where you start, your destiny is in your hands, and you either have what you need or the capacity to go out there and get it. You are the results of your thoughts and the limiting beliefs that they produce; if you want to produce something greater, you must change your thought patterns so that they positively impact your beliefs and expectations. If you really want better, you must raise the expectations that you have for yourself in this life. You must raise the level of what you demand of yourself. Simply put, you have to raise your standards. ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. is the Founder and CEO of The Visionetics Institute and he is one of the leading life strategist and business strategist in the world. His extensive background in human behavior, conjoined with his vast and in-depth experience as a business owner, allows him to work with his clients, as a life coach, life strategist, business strategist and therapist on multitudinous levels. The Warrior concept and the Warrior’s creed is a concept and tool that Dr. Wallace uses to help strengthen the self-image of his clients while painting a portrait of what is possible when a person is able to create a paradigm shift in their lives. Dr. Wallace has authored and published more than 18 books that address everything from self-awareness, finance, relationships and more. You can get some of his more popular books at Barnes & Noble, including: The Invisible Father: Reversing the Curse of a Fatherless Generation Renewing Your Mind: The Dynamics of Transformation When Your House is Not a Home 5 Steps to Financial Freedom Your Mind is the Genesis of Your Destiny Get your FREE “Warrior” phone & desktop backgrounds Pre-order your copy of Born in Captivity: Psychopathology as a Legacy of Slavery dropping July 2017 To book Dr. Wallace for speaking engagements, seminars, lectures and one-on-one counseling, email: