Visionetics ~ Explore the Possibilities

What Do You Do When Absolutely Everything Goes Wrong!

Written by Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. | Jul 21, 2017 4:00:00 AM

What Do You Do When Absolutely Everything Goes Wrong!

When Absolutely Everything Goes Wrong

What will you do in that moment in which absolutely everything goes wrong? When absolutely everything goes wrong in your world when the vicissitudes of life come rushing into your paradise, will you fold or will you rise to the challenge? I am here to tell you that you are built for this.

It was just 10 months ago that I was laying in a hospital bed in ICU having lost the use of both arms, having a broken humorous in my left arm in addition to nerve damage in the same arm. I had these businesses, but I could not run them. Even after being released, I could even get dressed on my own.

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I looked at my situation and I admit that at that moment it was hard to see all of the visions and dreams I had before his catastrophic event took place, but I had been here before --- not in the same situation but facing a challenge that seemed bigger than me, and in each situation in the past I had came through victoriously. So, I look at the man in the mirror and I told myself, "you are built for this." Every morning I wake up and I tell myself that I am built for this.

Here I am 10 months later, back in the gym, about to release book #19, launching my first online course, less than a week away from my 50th birthday and I am making things happen because I refused to allow my circumstances to impact my beliefs or dictate my movements. You see, I decided a long time ago that I was going to go the distance.

It is not what you know, it is not the connections you make, it is not finding the best strategy and it is not ensuring that you have the resources that will ensure your successes throughout life. While all of those things are important, they mean absolutely nothing if you are not willing to go the distance. If there is any obstacle, challenge, or difficulty that can stop you, then you will be stopped. But for the person who is willing to go the distance, nothing will be withheld from you.

Another thing that I give great attention to is ensuring that I wake up each morning with a heart of gratitude. If you don't have the capacity to be grateful for what you already possess, you will never develop the capacity to have more. I am not telling you to be grateful for your pain, struggles, and losses; that is actually sadistic --- although I know a number of people who think like that. What I am talking about is being grateful for the ability and capacity to overcome the struggles. Being grateful for the wife who sticks by you when everyone else turns their back on you is what I am speaking of. Learn to be grateful for the visions and dreams that pervade your thoughts because they are the seeds that you must plant in the fertile soil of your soul in order to bring forth greatness.

When absolutely everything goes wrong in your life, just remember you are built for the battle. Look yourself in the eye and declare, "I'm built for this! Now go make it happen.

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