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Black Maternal Health Crisis: Unveiling the Truth Behind Poor Maternal Healthcare for Black Women

Written by Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. | Mar 4, 2024 8:28:02 PM

Black Maternal Health Crisis: Unveiling the Truth Behind Poor Maternal Healthcare for Black Women

The Black Maternal Health Crisis encapsulates a dire phenomenon within the United States healthcare landscape—Black women stand two to three times more at risk of dying from pregnancy-related complications than their white counterparts. These alarming statistics strip away the veneer from a health system marred by racial health disparities, highlighting how poor maternal healthcare for Black women is not merely a matter of individual misfortune but a systematic failure deeply intertwined with systemic and structural racism. The stark contrast in maternal morbidity in the U.S. between Black women and women of other races raises profound questions about equity in healthcare, shedding light on a truth that requires urgent attention and action.

In this article, I dissect the Black Maternal Health Crisis, outlining a path to understand and consequently close health disparities for Black women. The text will navigate through the complex intersectionality of social determinants of health—scrutinizing the root causes of healthcare disparities and their profound impact on Black mothers and infants. I will also delve into the historical context that has sown the seeds of this crisis, evaluating how systemic racism and implicit bias pervade our health institutions. By highlighting public health endeavors and policies to enhance health equity and underscoring the crucial roles played by doulas and community-based organizations, the narrative will provide a comprehensive view of the ongoing efforts to tackle the monumental challenge of maternal mortality and morbidity among Black populations. The reader will be guided through a systematic examination of tangible solutions and will be called upon to recognize the collective responsibility in transforming the current paradigm into one that ensures all mothers receive the prenatal care they deserve, free from the constraints of racial disparities.

Understanding the Issue: Disparities in Maternal Healthcare

Understanding the vast and complex issue of disparities in maternal healthcare is critical to addressing the Black Maternal Health Crisis. These disparities are not isolated incidents but are indicative of a broader systemic issue that affects Black women disproportionately. The following points elucidate the multi-faceted nature of this crisis:

  1. Racial Health Disparities in Maternal Mortality:
    • Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes compared to White women.
    • The maternal mortality rate for Black women is 2.9 times that of White women, a disparity that persists across all income and education levels.
  2. Factors Contributing to Healthcare Disparities:
    • A combination of structural racism and implicit bias within the healthcare system plays a significant role in the unequal treatment and outcomes for Black women.
    • Social determinants of health, such as unstable housing, lack of transportation, food insecurity, and racial and economic inequality, exacerbate these disparities.
  3. Preventability and Quality of Care:
    • Over 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable with the recognition of urgent maternal warning signs and the provision of timely and respectful quality care.
    • Disparities in the quality of healthcare, including mistreatment by providers, contribute to poor maternal healthcare for Black women. In California, Black women are ten times more likely to report unfair treatment compared to White women.
  4. Pregnancy Complications and Access to Care:
    • Black birthing people face a higher likelihood of experiencing life-threatening conditions such as preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage, as well as an increased incidence of preterm birth and low birth weight.
    • The Medicaid coverage gap leaves nearly 30% of Black women of reproductive age without access to essential preconception and prenatal services.
  5. Insurance and Postpartum Care:
    • A significant percentage (65%) of Black birthing people rely on Medicaid for pregnancy and postpartum care, highlighting the need for comprehensive coverage.
    • During the COVID-19 pandemic, Black women had an increased probability of not scheduling postpartum care, with a slow reduction in the rate of postpartum care cancellations compared to White women.

      By understanding these critical points, we can unravel the complexities behind the Black Maternal Health Crisis. Evidently, the issue extends beyond individual health choices and is deeply rooted in systemic inequities that require concerted efforts to dismantle. Addressing these disparities is not only a matter of health justice but also a crucial step towards ensuring that all women have the opportunity for safe and healthy pregnancies.

Root Causes of Healthcare Disparities

At the core of the Black Maternal Health Crisis are deeply embedded root causes that significantly contribute to the stark disparities in maternal healthcare outcomes for Black women. These root causes are multifaceted and interwoven, exacerbating the others in a complex social injustice and inequality web.

  • Structural Racism and Obstetric Outcomes: Structural racism is a fundamental cause of the greater risk of adverse obstetric outcomes among Black women. This systemic issue manifests in various aspects of society, from housing policies to employment opportunities, and critically, within the healthcare system itself, affecting the quality of care and attention Black women receive during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Chronic Stress and Weathering: The concept of weathering explains how chronic exposure to stress and discrimination can lead to premature aging and deteriorating health outcomes in Black women. This constant barrage of stressors, often a result of systemic racism, can initiate a cascade of physiological responses that undermine health, contributing to the higher rates of pregnancy complications observed in this population.
  • Racism as a Social Determinant of Health: Racism, discrimination, and marginalization are powerful social determinants of health that have a direct impact on Black women's reproductive services. The pervasive nature of these factors means that even with equal access to healthcare resources, the quality and effectiveness of those resources can be compromised by implicit bias and discriminatory practices.
  • Intergenerational Transmission of Stress: The cumulative effects of interpersonal racism are not limited to one generation but can be transmitted across generations, affecting maternal and child health outcomes. This intergenerational transmission of stress underscores the need for interventions that address immediate healthcare needs and the broader societal factors that perpetuate this cycle.
  • Historical Legacies and Institutionalized Bias: The historical legacies of institutionalized racism and bias in medicine are not relics of the past but continue to influence contemporary healthcare practices. These legacies have been shown to contribute to adverse pregnancy outcomes for Black women, necessitating a critical examination of medical education and policy to root out these entrenched biases.
  • Poverty and Access to Quality Healthcare: Poverty and lack of access to quality healthcare are significant contributors to the racial disparities in maternal morbidity and mortality. These factors can limit Black women's access to essential prenatal services and postpartum care, increasing the risk of preventable complications and adverse outcomes.
  • The Role of Public Health and Policy: Addressing the roles of racism and discrimination within and beyond the healthcare system is essential for improving health and advancing equity. Public health initiatives and policies must be designed with an understanding of these root causes to effectively close health disparities for Black women and ensure equitable maternal healthcare.

    In summary, the root causes of healthcare disparities in the Black Maternal Health Crisis are complex and deeply entrenched in the fabric of society. Systemic racism, chronic stress, social determinants of health, and historical biases in medicine all play a role in perpetuating these disparities. It is only through a comprehensive, multi-level approach that addresses these root causes that we can hope to achieve health equity and provide poor maternal healthcare for Black women with the quality care they deserve.

Impact of Disparities on Black Mothers and Infants

The disparities in maternal healthcare have a devastating impact on Black mothers and infants, leading to disproportionately high rates of mortality and complications. These disparities manifest in various forms:

  • Maternal Mortality Rates: Black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women, a disparity that is consistent across all education levels. In 2020 alone, there were an estimated 1,800 maternal deaths, with a significant portion of these tragedies being preventable.
  • Pain Management Inequities: The medical community's failure to adequately manage pain for Black women is stark, particularly after cesarean sections. Complaints of pain are often dismissed, leading to inadequate pain relief and management for Black mothers compared to their white counterparts.
  • Increased Risk of Pregnancy Complications: Black women face a higher risk of experiencing life-threatening conditions such as preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, and blood clots. These conditions, coupled with an increased incidence of preterm birth and low birth weight, put both the mother and infant at greater risk of adverse outcomes.

    The interplay of systemic racism, social determinants of health, and implicit bias within the healthcare system contributes to these disparities:
  1. Systemic Racism: Structural racism is a persistent public health emergency that affects Black women's use of reproductive services and can sustain reproductive healthcare disparities. It leads to denial of care and a lack of respect within healthcare settings, contributing to poorer quality care for African American women.
  2. Social Determinants of Health: Factors such as poverty, education, and housing significantly influence adverse maternal outcomes. Place-based factors, including neighborhood conditions and environmental exposures, are associated with unfavorable birth outcomes among Black and Hispanic women.
  3. Implicit Bias in Healthcare: Racial bias in pain assessment and treatment recommendations, along with false beliefs about biological differences between Black and white individuals, exacerbate disparities in maternal health. Over 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable with timely treatment and quality care, yet these biases hinder the delivery of such care to Black women.

    In conclusion, the impact of disparities on Black mothers and infants is a multifaceted issue that requires a concerted effort to address. The Black Maternal Health Crisis is not only a matter of closing health disparities for Black women. Still, it is also a call to action for health equity, public health, and the dismantling of systemic racism within our healthcare system.
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Efforts to Address and Reduce Disparities

Efforts to Address and Reduce Disparities in the Black Maternal Health Crisis are multifaceted, incorporating strategies across various sectors. These efforts are crucial in closing health disparities for Black women and include:

Healthcare Providers and Systems:

  • Improving Cultural Competency and Bias Training: Providers can play a pivotal role by enhancing their understanding of implicit bias and improving cultural humility. This involves recognizing and eliminating bias within themselves and their practice settings. Such efforts are essential in providing respectful, quality care to all patients, thereby improving poor maternal healthcare for Black women.
  • Standardizing Care Protocols: Hospitals can standardize care coordination and response to emergencies, ensuring that all patients receive consistent and high-quality prenatal and postpartum care. Training non-obstetric care providers to inquire about pregnancy history can also contribute to better overall maternal health outcomes.
  • Enhanced Prenatal Care Models: Innovative care models like CenteringPregnancy and maternity care homes have shown promise in improving outcomes and reducing disparities. These models focus on group prenatal care and enhanced services, which can lead to increased patient satisfaction and better health outcomes.

    Public Health and Policy Initiatives:
  • Expanding Medicaid Coverage: Addressing the Medicaid coverage gap is critical in improving access to essential preconception and prenatal services. Expanded coverage can ensure that more Black women receive the care they need throughout their reproductive life cycle.
  • Legislative Actions: The Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act and the CARE for Moms Act are comprehensive legislative efforts to address the multifaceted drivers of maternal mortality, morbidity, and disparities.

    Community Engagement:
  • Empowering Community-Based Organizations: These organizations provide resources such as access to doulas, home visits, and education. They collaborate with healthcare providers and policymakers to advocate for programs targeting maternal health disparities.
  • Involving Communities in Decision-Making: Engaging community members in developing and implementing interventions ensures that the strategies are culturally sensitive and address the community's specific needs.

    Systemic and Educational Reforms:
  • Diversifying the Healthcare Workforce: Efforts to increase diversity within the healthcare profession can lead to more culturally sensitive care. This includes creating more midwifery educational programs and fostering a team approach between midwives and medical residents.
  • Implementing DEI Education: Diversity, equity, and inclusion education in medical and graduate classrooms can help unravel the legacy of racist practices and promote a culture of equity within healthcare.

    National Programs and Campaigns:
  • CDC's ERASE MM Program: The Enhancing Reviews and Surveillance to Eliminate Maternal Mortality (ERASE MM) Program supports states in reviewing pregnancy-related deaths and identifying prevention opportunities.
  • Hear Her Campaign: This CDC initiative educates providers and pregnant individuals about urgent maternal warning signs to improve communication and response to patient concerns.

    These efforts represent a comprehensive approach to tackling the Black Maternal Health Crisis, emphasizing the importance of systemic change, healthcare reform, and community engagement. Public health, healthcare systems, and community-engaged approaches are necessary to decrease racial disparities in maternal morbidity and mortality, ensuring that Black women receive the quality care they deserve.

Historical Context and Systematic Inequities

The historical underpinnings of the Black Maternal Health Crisis are deeply entrenched in a legacy of racial injustice and the systemic devaluation of Black women's lives. This context is essential to understanding the current state of maternal healthcare disparities:

  • Legacy of Slavery and Medical Exploitation:
    • During the era of slavery, enslaved Black women were subjected to non-consensual medical experiments, which set a precedent for the continued exploitation of Black bodies in the name of medical "progress." Their bodies were commodified, with little regard for their autonomy or well-being, creating a foundation of mistrust in the medical system that persists today.
    • This history is a stark reminder of how Black women's health has been historically compromised, contributing to the Maternal morbidity in the U.S. that we witness in contemporary society.
  • Marginalization of Black Midwives:
    • The systematic erasure of Black midwives, who once played a critical role in providing culturally competent and personalized care, was a significant loss to Black communities. Their replacement by a medical system that often fails to provide adequate care for Black mothers has been a contributing factor to the crisis. The midwives' knowledge and practices, deeply rooted in the community, were sidelined in favor of a system that did not prioritize the needs of Black women, leading to a gap in poor maternal healthcare for Black women.
  • Structural Racism and Reproductive Injustice:
    • Structural racism within healthcare leads to harmful institutional practices and negative cultural representations of Black women. This systemic issue devalues their pain and contributes to trauma-inducing pregnancy and birthing experiences, which are reflected in the disproportionate rates of Black maternal morbidity.
    • The historical foundations of racism and reproductive injustice have created a crisis where Black women are two to three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women. These statistics underscore the urgency of closing health disparities for Black women.
  • Eugenics and Institutionalized Sterilization:
    • In the 20th century, institutionalized sterilization and eugenics targeted low-income women and women of color, further entrenching reproductive injustice within the healthcare system. These practices were part of a broader strategy to control the reproductive rights of marginalized populations, reflecting the deep-seated biases that continue to affect Health Equity today.
  • Rise of the Reproductive Justice Movement:
    • Led by Black women, the reproductive justice movement has been pivotal in highlighting the intersectionality of reproductive rights, human rights, and economic justice. This movement emphasizes the importance of addressing the systemic barriers that prevent Black women from exercising their reproductive rights and accessing quality maternal healthcare.

      The historical context and systematic inequities that underlie the Black Maternal Health Crisis are not just remnants of the past but active forces that shape the experiences of Black women today. Understanding this context is crucial for any effective public health intervention aimed at addressing the disparities in maternal healthcare and advancing the well-being of Black mothers and their infants.

Historical and Systemic Roots of Disparities

The historical and systemic roots of disparities in the Black Maternal Health Crisis are deeply entrenched, and understanding them is crucial for enacting meaningful change:

  • Weathering and Biological Aging:
    • The Weathering framework posits that the cumulative effects of racism lead to "premature biological aging" in African American women, contributing to poor pregnancy and birth outcomes. This concept underscores the physiological toll that systemic racism takes on Black women's bodies, manifesting in heightened maternal morbidity and mortality.
  • Institutionalized Racism in Healthcare:
    • The enduring legacy of racism within healthcare systems is a key contributor to the Black Maternal Health Crisis. To dismantle this, it is imperative to understand how institutionalized racism shapes healthcare policies and practices. Efforts to address the roles of racism and discrimination within and beyond healthcare systems are essential for advancing Health Equity and improving outcomes for Black women.
  • Implicit Bias and Medical Discrimination:
    • Systemic racism and implicit biases within the medical community contribute to the higher maternal mortality rates among Black women. These biases are pervasive and affect women across all income and education levels, indicating that the disparities are not due to individual circumstances but are rooted in the broader societal context.
  • Preventability of Maternal Deaths:
    • The fact that most maternal deaths are preventable emphasizes the urgent need to address systemic disparities. Maternal morbidity in the U.S. could be significantly reduced by tackling the underlying causes of these disparities, ensuring that Black women receive the quality prenatal care and support they need.
  • Trauma-Inducing Experiences:
    • Racism not only compromises the health of Black women but also manifests in the form of trauma during pregnancy and birthing experiences. These implicit forms of racism within the healthcare system can lead to adverse outcomes and contribute to the overall Black Maternal Health Crisis.
  • Disparities in Treatment and Bodily Autonomy:
    • Institutional practices perpetuate racial inequity, leading to disparities in treatment and respect for bodily autonomy between white women and Black women. It is critical to recognize and rectify these disparities to ensure that Black women are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve during their healthcare experiences.
  • Impact of Public Policies:
    • Policies such as Medicaid can inadvertently perpetuate racial inequity and lead to health disparities. It is essential to scrutinize and reform public policies to ensure they do not contribute to the ongoing health disparities faced by Black women, and instead, promote equitable access to healthcare.
  • Real-World Consequences:
    • The cases of Shalon Irving and Kira Johnson are poignant examples of the real-world consequences of these disparities. Their stories illustrate the devastating impact of systemic issues on individual lives and highlight the urgent need for change to prevent further tragedies.

      By examining these historical and systemic roots, we can begin to understand the full scope of the Black Maternal Health Crisis. It is only with this understanding that effective and lasting solutions can be developed to close health disparities for Black women and improve poor maternal healthcare for Black women.

Impact of Disparities on Maternal Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented challenges to the healthcare system, exacerbating the already critical Black Maternal Health Crisis. The pandemic's impact on maternal health, particularly for Black women, has illuminated the urgency to address and mitigate racial health disparities. The following points highlight the ways in which the pandemic may further worsen these disparities:

  • Exacerbation of Pre-existing Disparities:
    • The pandemic has heightened the risks associated with poor maternal healthcare for Black women, intensifying the Maternal morbidity in the U.S.. Black women, already facing a disproportionate burden of maternal morbidity, have encountered additional barriers to accessing quality prenatal care during the pandemic.
  • The Strain on Healthcare Resources:
    • Healthcare systems overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases have had to reallocate resources, which can lead to reduced availability of maternal health services. This strain can disproportionately affect Black women, whose maternal health outcomes are closely tied to the availability and quality of healthcare services.
  • Impact on Social Determinants of Health:
    • The pandemic has exacerbated social determinants of health, such as unemployment, housing instability, and food insecurity, all of which are factors that can negatively influence maternal health. These determinants have a compounded effect on Black women, who are more likely to experience such adversities due to systemic racism and economic disparities.

      The pandemic's role in amplifying the Black Maternal Health Crisis underscores the critical need for public health strategies that prioritize maternal health equity. It is essential to integrate solutions that address the intersectionality of healthcare, ensuring that Black women are not left behind in the efforts to combat the pandemic's broader impacts.

Barriers to Equitable Health Care

Barriers to equitable healthcare for Black women in the United States are multifaceted and deeply ingrained in the fabric of the nation's healthcare system. These barriers contribute significantly to the Black Maternal Health Crisis and the persistence of racial health disparities. Addressing these barriers is a crucial step towards closing health disparities for Black women and improving maternal health outcomes. The following points outline some of the key barriers that must be addressed:

  1. Lack of Health Insurance and Preventive Care:
    • A significant number of Black women face the challenge of not having health insurance, which limits their access to vital preventive care services. Without these services, Black women are at a higher risk of encountering complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
    • The absence of insurance also means that when Black women do seek care, they often encounter a healthcare system where they are treated poorly, their concerns are not heard, and their presence is not valued, further exacerbating the poor maternal healthcare for Black women.
  2. Insufficient Investment in Women's Health:
    • There is a glaring insufficient investment in the health and well-being of women and families in the U.S., particularly for those from marginalized communities. This lack of investment translates into fewer resources, less research, and inadequate support for the specific health needs of Black women, contributing to the ongoing Black Maternal Health Crisis.
  3. Socio-Economic Factors and Education:
    • While socio-economic status and education are often seen as buffers against poor health outcomes, the racial disparities in maternal health persist across all income and education levels. This indicates that socio-economic factors alone do not account for the disparities, pointing to the deeper issues of systemic racism and implicit bias that pervade the healthcare system.

      By understanding and addressing these barriers, there can be progress toward achieving Health Equity and improving Maternal morbidity in the U.S. healthcare providers, policymakers, and public health professionals need to work together to dismantle these barriers and create a healthcare system that supports the health and well-being of all women, regardless of race.

Impact of Disparities on Maternal Mortality

The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the already significant racial health disparities in maternal health, shining a stark light on the Black Maternal Health Crisis. The implications of these disparities on maternal mortality are profound and multifaceted:

  • Exacerbation of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality:
    • During the pandemic, existing disparities in maternal health outcomes have been further exacerbated, placing Black women at an even higher risk of maternal morbidity and mortality. The intersectionality of healthcare challenges, compounded by the pandemic, has intensified the urgency to address these critical issues.
    • The heightened risk is not merely a reflection of the virus's impact but also of the systemic barriers that have long contributed to poor maternal healthcare for Black women. These include a lack of access to quality prenatal care, implicit bias within the healthcare system, and the social determinants of health that disproportionately affect Black communities.
  • Strained Healthcare Systems:
    • The pandemic has placed an unprecedented strain on healthcare resources, potentially diverting attention and resources away from maternal health services. This strain can lead to delays in care or reduced access to essential services for pregnant Black women, further increasing the risk of pregnancy complications and maternal death.
    • Black women, who already face challenges such as implicit bias and systemic racism in healthcare, may find these issues exacerbated as healthcare systems become overwhelmed, leading to a potential increase in preventable maternal deaths.
  • Public Health Implications:
    • The increased maternal morbidity and mortality among Black women during the pandemic is not only a tragedy for the families affected but also a public health emergency that reflects broader societal failings.
    • It underscores the need for targeted public health interventions that prioritize maternal health equity and address the systemic racism and implicit bias that underlie the Black Maternal Health Crisis. The pandemic has made it clear that closing health disparities for Black women is an urgent and necessary step towards ensuring Health Equity in maternal health outcomes.

      In confronting the Black Maternal Health Crisis, it is imperative to recognize the compounded impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal mortality among Black women. The pandemic has not only highlighted the existing disparities but has also provided a critical opportunity to reevaluate and reform the systems that perpetuate poor maternal healthcare for Black women. Addressing these disparities requires a concerted and sustained effort from all levels of society, including healthcare providers, policymakers, and public health professionals.

Conclusion and Call to Action

The grave realities of the Black Maternal Health Crisis demand immediate attention and collective action to uproot the systemic discrimination that jeopardizes the lives of Black mothers and infants. We have examined the multifactorial causes—from structural racism and implicit bias in healthcare to the sociopolitical factors—that contribute not just to startling statistical disparities but to real and preventable tragedies. It is clear that ensuring equitable care and dismantling barriers within our healthcare system are pivotal steps toward rectifying this crisis.

In answering this pressing call, each of us bears responsibility for driving change—whether that is by supporting policy reforms, fostering community-led initiatives, or advocating for social justice. As we strive towards a future where healthcare inequity is a relic of the past, we must educate ourselves and engage with resources that empower action to shield against these disparities. Embrace the challenge and learn how you can protect yourself and loved ones from racial disparities in healthcare, ensuring that every mother and child has the opportunity to thrive.


What are common maternal health challenges faced by Black women?
Black women are increasingly experiencing conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, which contribute to complications during pregnancy. These complications can include preeclampsia, higher rates of cesarean deliveries, and a greater risk of bleeding disorders.

How do health outcomes differ for Black women compared to other groups?
Black women face more significant health disparities, with higher mortality rates from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, lupus, and several types of cancer. After the age of 55, they are twice as likely as white women to develop diabetes and are more likely to suffer from uncontrolled blood pressure.

In what ways are African American women mistreated in the healthcare system?
African American women often encounter verbal and physical abuse, denial of quality care, and refusal of pain relief within the healthcare system. This mistreatment leads to increased pregnancy complications and delayed medical interventions, which can result in death.

Why is adequate prenatal care not received by many pregnant women in the U.S.?
Many pregnant women in the United States do not receive adequate prenatal care due to a variety of barriers, including a lack of awareness, information, resources, accessible healthcare facilities, and healthcare providers. Additionally, the cost of services, including supplies, medicine, and transportation, often financially strains families.

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