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Dream Killers: 6 Things That Will Destroy Your Dreams and How to Overcome Them

Written by Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. | Oct 16, 2023 1:42:14 PM

Dream Killers: 6 Things That Will Destroy Your Dreams and How to Overcome Them


Imagine you're standing at the edge of a precip, gazing out at a vast landscape of possibilities brimming with your dreams and aspirations. Yet, between you and the realization of your dreams lies a treacherous path fraught with obstacles. These are the dream-killers, the six silent assassins that can decimate your ambitions if left unchecked. They are Fear, Listening to the Wrong Person, Procrastination, Blaming Others Instead of Taking Accountability, A Lack of Consistency and Commitment, and Searching for Instant Gratification. Let's cut through the haze, uncover these dream killers, and, more importantly, learn how to overcome them.


The Inhibitor of Dreams

Fear, the first of the dream killers, is a universal emotion that often paralyzes us from taking the necessary steps toward our goals. It is a looming specter that whispers incessantly in our ears about the possibility of failure, the potential ridicule, or the sting of disappointment. If left unchecked, this fear can immobilize us, anchoring us in the comfortable yet unfulfilling harbor of the status quo. Will Smith once said that he believed that God placed everything worth having on the other side of fear, and I tend to agree with him. Fear is the greatest of the dream killers, but fear can be conquered. Let's view some of the practices I teach my clients to help them conquer and master fear. 

Overcoming Fear

Acknowledging your fear is the first step towards overcoming it. Recognize it for what it is – a protective mechanism designed to shield you from perceived harm. But understand that it's just that – a perception. Changing your perspective about fear can significantly decrease its hold on you. Instead of viewing fear as a barrier, see it as a challenge to be conquered.

Embrace the Fear

Embrace your fear, and take calculated risks. Initiate actions that align with your dreams, irrespective of the fear associated with them. By doing so, you'll soon realize that the fear of taking action was indeed more daunting than the action itself. And in the process, you will have taken a giant leap towards your dreams.

Listening to the Wrong Person

The Misdirection

The second dream killer is the act of listening to the wrong person. Often, we let others, who may not fully understand or support our dreams, influence our decisions and actions. This unsolicited advice and criticism can lead us down a path that veers away from our true aspirations. I often warn people against giving gravity to the opinions of minimal-minded people who lack the vision and capacity to embrace and support their vision. Remember, your gifting, not external validation, validates your vision and destiny. 

Overcoming Misdirection

To overcome this, be discerning about whose advice you pay heed to. Surround yourself with positive, like-minded individuals who can offer constructive feedback and encouragement. Remember, your dreams are yours alone to nurture and realize. No one else holds the blueprint.

Trust Your Intuition

Trust your intuition and believe in your abilities. While external feedback can be beneficial, your intuition is a powerful internal compass that often points the way toward your dreams. Use it as your guide.


The Silent Thief

Procrastination, the third dream-killer, is a silent thief that robs us of time – a non-renewable resource. It lures us into the trap of postponing actions, creating an illusion that there's always tomorrow. But the harsh reality is that 'tomorrow' is not promised to anyone. Procrastination is also the thief of opportunity. It is crucial that you understand that opportunities have shelf lives. When you sit on them, you lose them. If you are honest, you will notice people around you or within your view doing things you always said you would do---some of them are winning off opportunities initially meant for you. 

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Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming procrastination demands discipline. Start by setting clear, achievable goals and make a commitment to achieve them within a stipulated time. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones. This makes the task less daunting and more approachable.

Cultivate a Sense of Urgency

Cultivate a sense of urgency and be relentless in your pursuit. Each passing minute is a minute closer to your dream. So, why wait for tomorrow when you can begin today?

Blaming Others Instead of Taking Accountability

The Responsibility Shift

The fourth dream-killer is shifting the responsibility of our failures onto others, thus relinquishing control over our dreams. It's an easy way out from facing the harsh reality of our shortcomings or mistakes. However, this behavior traps us in a cycle of blame and stagnation, with little to no progress toward our dreams. You have to own it. Taking ownership of your failures and shortcomings is the first step in creating consistent success in your life. 

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Overcoming the Responsibility Shift

To overcome this, take full responsibility for your actions and their outcomes. Recognize that you are the architect of your life and that your choices, actions, and decisions shape your destiny.

Embrace Accountability

By embracing accountability, you take back control and steer your life toward your dreams. It might be a tough pill to swallow, but it's necessary on the road to success.

A Lack of Consistency and Commitment

The Inconsistent Effort

The fifth dream-killer is the lack of consistency and commitment. Dreams demand dedication and consistent effort. They require us to show up, day after day, irrespective of the challenges that lie in our path. An inconsistent effort will only lead to inconsistent results. You have to wake up committed to going the distance. When speaking to audiences, I often say I live life on full so that I die on "E." What this means is I seize each moment and consider every second of my day precious and valuable. So, I make use of my time and opportunities daily. 

Overcoming Inconsistent Effort

To overcome this, develop a strong work ethic. Commit to your dreams and consciously decide to work towards them every day. Remember, success is a marathon, not a sprint.

Stay Committed

Stay committed to your dreams. Rain or shine, make sure you put in the work. Consistency is the key that can unlock the door to your dreams.

Searching for Instant Gratification

The Impatience Trap

The final dream-killer is the search for instant gratification. In an age of instant coffee and same-day deliveries, we often expect our dreams to materialize at the same speed. This impatience can lead to frustration and disillusionment when our dreams don't manifest immediately. We want the prize but we do not want to endure the process. There can never be an obtainment of the prize without there first being an endurance of the process. The process always precedes the prize. 

Overcoming the Impatience Trap

Overcoming this requires patience and understanding that good things take time. Instead of focusing on the end result, enjoy the journey towards your dreams. Each step you take brings you closer to your goal.

Embrace the Journey

Embrace the journey and celebrate small victories along the way. These celebrations will fuel your motivation and keep you going, even when the road gets tough. Remember, the journey toward your dreams is as important as the dreams themselves.


In conclusion, the path toward your dreams is fraught with obstacles, but they are not insurmountable. By recognizing and overcoming these six dream-killers, you can navigate toward your dreams with confidence and determination. Remember, you hold the power to turn your dreams into reality. So, go forth and conquer!

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