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Resolving Relational Conflict: 5 Strategies for a Strong and Lasting Relationship

Written by Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. | Dec 5, 2023 4:42:24 PM

Resolving Relational Conflict: 5 Strategies for a Strong and Lasting Relationship


‍Introduction to Relational Conflict

In any relationship, conflict is inevitable. Whether it's a romantic partnership, a friendship, or a professional collaboration, disagreements and misunderstandings are bound to arise. However, the ability to resolve these issues effectively sets successful relationships apart from those that crumble under the weight of conflict. Resolving relational conflict is vital for the longevity and strength of any relationship, as it allows for growth, understanding, and a deeper connection between individuals. When relational conflict goes unchecked, it can fester, and the wounds can become toxic. The key is communication and consistent energy and effort aimed at understanding one another. In my 23rd book, Merging Souls: Healing, Hope & Restoration in Modern Marriage, I address the forces behind relational conflict and the importance of being willing to understand the other person's perspective. The following paragraphs are a synopsis of the approach I use to help couples resolve issues that are stifling and suffocating their relationships. The one thing to understand is that if both parties are committed, any relationship can be restored. 

The Importance of Resolving Relational Conflict

Conflict, if left unresolved, can fester and erode even the strongest of relationships. It creates a rift between individuals, leading to resentment, anger, and a breakdown in communication. Resolving conflict is crucial because it enables both parties to express their feelings, concerns, and needs openly. By addressing and resolving conflict, individuals can strengthen their bond, better understand each other, and find mutually beneficial solutions. This improves the immediate situation and lays the foundation for future conflict resolution, creating a positive cycle of growth and understanding.

Understanding the Common Causes of Relational Conflict

To effectively resolve conflict, it is essential to understand its underlying causes. Conflict in relationships can stem from a variety of factors, including differences in values, communication breakdowns, unmet expectations, or external stressors. By identifying the root cause of the conflict, individuals can address it directly and work towards a resolution that addresses the underlying issues rather than just the surface-level disagreement. This deeper understanding allows for more effective conflict resolution and prevents future conflicts from arising.

Step 1: Eliminate Relationship Disturbances (Reducing Emotional Volatility)

One of the first steps in resolving relational conflict is eliminating any relationship disturbances. These disturbances can manifest as emotional volatility, such as anger, frustration, or defensiveness. Individuals can create a calmer and safer space for open and honest communication by reducing emotional volatility. This can be achieved through self-reflection, practicing self-regulation techniques, and seeking professional help if needed. By addressing and managing these disturbances, individuals can approach conflict resolution with a clear and rational mindset, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome.

Step 2: Commit to a Win-Win Resolution

Resolving conflict in relationships is not about winning or losing. It is about finding a resolution that benefits both parties involved. Committing to a win-win resolution shifts individuals' focus from individual needs and desires to mutual understanding and compromise. This involves active listening, empathy, and a willingness to find common ground. Individuals can strengthen their relationships and build trust and respect by working together to resolve both parties' needs.

Step 3: Adopt Purposeful Listening

Effective listening is a crucial aspect of resolving relational conflict. Often, conflicts arise due to misunderstandings or miscommunication. By adopting purposeful listening, individuals can create a space for open and honest dialogue. Purposeful listening involves giving undivided attention, seeking clarification when needed, and suspending judgment. It allows individuals to truly understand each other's perspectives, feelings, and needs, paving the way for effective conflict resolution. By practicing purposeful listening, individuals can bridge the gap of misunderstanding and work towards finding mutually beneficial solutions.

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Step 4: Practice Synergistic Brainstorming

Once both parties have expressed their perspectives and needs, it is essential to engage in synergistic brainstorming to find creative and mutually beneficial solutions. This involves exploring various options, considering different viewpoints, and thinking outside the box. By embracing a collaborative mindset, individuals can generate innovative solutions that address the core issues and meet both parties' needs. Synergistic brainstorming fosters a sense of teamwork and cooperation, reinforcing the bond between individuals and strengthening the relationship.

The Significance of Launching and Landing Rituals

In addition to the conflict resolution strategies mentioned above, it is important to establish launching and landing rituals in a relationship. Launching rituals refer to intentional actions taken at the beginning of an interaction to set a positive tone and create a sense of connection. Landing rituals, on the other hand, are actions taken at the end of an interaction to promote understanding, closure, and a sense of emotional safety. These rituals can include gestures of affection, expressions of gratitude, or simply taking a moment to check in with each other. Launching and landing rituals provide a framework for effective communication and conflict resolution, ensuring that conflicts are approached with love, respect, and a desire for growth.

The Dangers of Sweeping Issues Under the Rug

Sweeping issues under the rug may seem like a temporary solution to avoid conflict, but it can have detrimental long-term effects on a relationship. Ignoring or avoiding conflicts only allows them to fester and grow, leading to resentment, bitterness, and a breakdown in communication. Sweeping issues under the rug create a toxic environment where unresolved conflicts become a breeding ground for future disagreements. It is essential to address conflicts head-on and work towards resolution, even if it requires uncomfortable conversations and difficult compromises. By facing conflicts directly, individuals can prevent long-term damage to the relationship and foster a healthier and stronger connection.

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The Importance of Revisiting the Past

While it is important to focus on the present and future, revisiting the past can be valuable in resolving relational conflict. Past experiences and patterns can provide insights into recurring conflicts and underlying issues. By reflecting on past conflicts, individuals can identify patterns, triggers, and unresolved emotions that may be contributing to the current conflict. Revisiting the past with a willingness to learn and grow allows individuals to break free from destructive cycles and make positive changes. It provides an opportunity for healing, understanding, and the development of healthier communication and conflict-resolution strategies.


Merging Souls: Healing, Hope & Restoration in Modern Marriage


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Resolving relational conflict is vital for the longevity and strength of any relationship. By adopting strategies such as eliminating relationship disturbances, committing to a win-win resolution, adopting purposeful listening, practicing synergistic brainstorming, and establishing launching and landing rituals, individuals can navigate conflicts effectively and build a strong and lasting bond. It is crucial to address conflicts directly, avoid sweeping issues under the rug, and revisit the past to gain insights and promote growth. By investing time and effort into resolving conflict, individuals can create a relationship that thrives on open communication, understanding, and mutual respect. So, embrace conflict as an opportunity for growth and order your copy of Dr. Rick Wallace's 23rd book, "Merging Souls: Healing, Hope, and Restoration in Modern Marriage," to delve deeper into the art of conflict resolution in relationships.