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The Meaning of Love ~ Rediscovering a Lost Virtue!

Written by Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. | Feb 13, 2024 5:07:33 PM

The Meaning of Love ~ Rediscovering a Lost Virtue!


On the eve of yet another national commercial holiday, where the pressure to spend money to prove one's love is palpable, it seems timely to delve into the deeper essence of love itself. Let me be clear from the outset: this isn't about shaming anyone for indulging in gestures of affection through material means. I'll admit, I've done it myself and likely will again. However, I aim to convey that love transcends material possessions. We inhabit a society that conditions us to seek solace for our insecurities in acquiring things, seldom encouraging us to explore our intrinsic worth and beauty. Consequently, we seek validation through consumerism, and our worth is often measured by the objects we possess.

Love, by its very nature, is intricate and often bewildering. It demands that we venture into territory that feels foreign and sometimes uncomfortable. Love requires us to make ourselves vulnerable, open our hearts and minds to another individual, and be fully aware of the potential for pain that accompanies such vulnerability. It places us in situations of discomfort because growth, often born out of adversity, is an indispensable component of love's journey.

Our contemporary understanding of love has been heavily influenced by various media outlets, including the film industry, romance novels, and social media platforms. We're sold the idea of effortless romance, of magic and miracles, while conveniently sidestepping the arduous work that true love entails. But herein lies the fallacy: love cannot be bought or conjured superficially; it is rooted in authenticity and sustained through patience, commitment, compromise, understanding, and perseverance. Love defies the confines of a single event on a calendar; it is a continuous, evolving journey that unfolds in everyday life. Many see the demands of love as hard work but see it as an intrinsic and infrangible propelled dynamic force. 

Love, therefore, extends far beyond the realm of emotion. It necessitates a deep sense of purpose and selflessness, urging us to prioritize the needs and perspectives of our loved ones above our own. It requires us to set aside our egos to foster genuine intimacy and connection. As we engage in the flurry of activities and expressions of affection on designated holidays, it's imperative that we pause to reflect on the significance of our actions throughout the rest of the year. If our partners must wait for a predetermined date to feel loved and appreciated, then perhaps we've missed the essence of love altogether.

In essence, love isn't confined to grand gestures or material exchanges; it is woven into the fabric of our daily interactions, manifested through acts of kindness, empathy, and unwavering support. It is a testament to our willingness to embrace vulnerability, navigate adversity, and celebrate the inherent worth of every individual. So, as we navigate the complexities of love in a world driven by consumerism and superficiality, let us remember that true love transcends the trappings of societal norms and commercialized expressions. At its core, it is a profound journey of self-discovery, compassion, and unwavering devotion—a journey worth embarking on every single day.

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