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9 Benefits of Being an Early Bird

9 Benefits of Being an Early Bird

9 Benefits of Being an Early Bird

Are you an early bird? If so, good for you! If you're not, you might want to consider trying out a new schedule. There are a lot of advantages to being an early riser.

Studies show that early birds are more productive and healthier.

It's a great way to live. All you have to do is get up a couple of hours earlier. The benefits are worth the momentary discomfort each morning.

Still not convinced? Read on.

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See why the early bird really does get the worm:

  1. It's healthier. Research finds that the sleep patterns of those that get up early are healthier. You might live longer by being an early bird. Spending less money on medical care is another bonus. I will not get into the details here: however, a wealth of pragmatic and empirical data illuminate the fact that early risers tend to live healthier lives.

  2. It's more natural. Most animals are active during daylight hours and asleep while it's dark. We don't see well in the dark, so we're clearly not designed to be active at night. Darkness trigger the brain to release melatonin, which helps to promote healthy sleep.
  3. You'll be thinner. On average, early birds are leaner than night owls. Maybe it's the late-night snacking that many night owls like to do. In addition to late-night snacking, those up during late hours are far less active than their daytime counterparts.

  4. You're more focused. There are fewer distractions early in the morning. You can get more done by having a greater level of focus. There's no one around to intrude on your time. You get a jump on your day.

  5. You're in good company. The majority of highly successful people are early birds. You might become more successful if you wake up earlier and get started on your day. While there are always exceptions to the rule, most of the world's most successful people are early risers. Harvard Biologist Christoph Randler discovered that early risers are more proactive. They are also more likely to anticipate problems and minimize them efficiently, which leads to more success, especially in the business world. A proactive mindset leads to increased productivity because you're not standing by waiting to be told what to do next or how to handle a challenge. Instead, you're anticipating needs, getting curious, and building confidence.[1]

  6. You can enjoy the morning. When you have a few hours before you need to leave for work, you can take your time and enjoy the morning. See the sunrise. Listen to the birds. Enjoy a cup of coffee without being rushed. Relax while everyone else is rushing to get ready for work. You can prepare mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

  7. You get more accomplished. You could use the extra time to learn the guitar, read, write, exercise, journal, or get started on your work for the day. Studies show that early risers are significantly more productive.

    1. Most people don't accomplish much after 6:00 pm, so early risers have a day that is effectively longer. The night owls might spend as many hours awake, but more of their hours are spent on less productive activities. The early birds are sleeping while the night owls are playing.

  1. You build willpower. It's not easy to get up when you know you have time to sleep for another hour or three. It can be a bit of a challenge to get up earlier than necessary each day. However, you can apply the willpower you develop to other aspects of your life. A more effective word to use here would be self-discipline. Most people don't need motivation or inspiration. What they need Is self-discipline.

  2. You're more confident. Knowing that you have a big head start on most of the rest of the people in the world can make you feel a little smug. You can be a couple hours ahead of your coworkers while they're still brushing their teeth. In an increasingly competitive environment, you need all of the advantages possible.

    1. Some of those coworkers will likely be working for you someday soon.

If you're not someone that naturally likes to get up in the morning, there's still hope. The key is to alter your bedtime and wake-up time a little at a time. Fifteen minutes each day is doable and sustainable. Or you could adjust by 15 minutes and keep that schedule for a week. The next week, add another 15 minutes. And so on.

Shifting your schedule to a couple of hours earlier will change your life in so many positive ways.

Consider how you spend the last two hours of your evening with your current schedule. Those hours might be fun, but they're probably not productive. Imagine adding two hours of productivity, enjoyment, and reflection into each day of your life.

There are so many advantages to being an early riser that it would likely benefit you to give it a try. Avoid assuming that it would never work for you. You might be pleasantly surprised!


Garnett, L. (2021, July 25). The Scientific Reason Why Being A Morning Person Will Make You More Successful: The early bird catches more than the worm.

Thompson, D. (2021). Who Lives Longer -- Night Owls or Early Birds? WebMD.

[1] (Garnett, 2021)