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7 Ways Winners Rise Above the Chaos to Win

Rise Above the Chaos

Rising Above the Chaos to Win in Life

Have you ever wondered why it seems some people thrive regardless of the level of chaos and volatility around them? Well, much in the way Chaos theory applies in mechanics and mathematics, it also applies in the realm of performance psychology. What seems random and chaotic on the surface has order and meaning underneath the surface. The problem for most people is they never look beyond the surface, and they don't understand how to identify patterns. There are patterns that lead to success and those that lead to calamity. People who thrive regardless of chaos understand that there is order and meaning and that their destiny and purpose cannot be thwarted by chaos. In my latest book, Transcendent: The Remarkable Ability to Rise Above the Chaos to Win In Life, I take you on a journey of self-discovery as you learn to identify the meaning hidden in seemingly random chaotic episodes in your life. 

When you aren't able to understand that nothing is random and everything has meaning, you can be convinced that you will never win and that things are happening to you rather than responding to you. Basically, things aren't happening to you; they are happening because of you; however, you have to gain an understanding of how this dynamic works. Whether I am speaking to a large crowd or working with a client in a one-on-one capacity, I communicate that I am no different than them. Yes, my gift is unique, but my capacity is the same as theirs. In essence, everyone has a gift that creates the capacity for greatness, but the path to greatness is marred with obstacles and challenges that cause most to balk at their potential. My goal is to encourage and inspire as many as possible to embrace the chaos and learn how to use it to their advantage. 

Have you ever wondered why the eagle has the ability to soar at heights no other bird can rival? It is because the eagle is willing to fly into the storm and against the wind, which in turn lifts them. It is when you become eagle-minded that you will begin to experience new heights and levels of greatness. 

It is possible to rise above the chaos and win in life. To help get you started, here are eight ways winners rise above the chaos and vicissitudes in life to win consistently:

1. Keep Your Focus On Your Big Picture

It is easy to get distracted by the chaos and noise in the environment. Winners focus on their long-term vision and do not allow themselves to be distracted by the noise. They remain focused on their big picture and do not allow themselves to be pulled into the chaos. Focus is a key element in mastering chaos. Focus is the ability to choose what you will give your attention to and to maintain your bearing relentlessly. Whatever you focus on, you will feel and give power to, without fail. When you focus on the destination, the chaotic activity in your periphery will actually give flight to your dreams. When you focus on the chaos, you will get lost in the motion of the madness. 

Winners understand that life is complex, and it is easy to get lost in the details and lose sight of the big picture. Winners take the time to step back and refocus on their long-term vision, goals, and objectives.

2. Take Action and Be Proactive

Winners understand that the only way to get results is to take action. They do not wait for the chaos to pass before they take action. They are proactive and take action in spite of the chaos. One of my strongest traits is I am immensely proactive. I don't believe in waiting on things to fall in order; I believe in contributing and creating order. You are not going to circumvent the random and unexpected disturbances that enter your paradise. Everyone must face challenges. It is not in escaping challenge and change that you win; it is effectively responding to the change---meeting it head-on. 

The top performers in this world understand that the only way to get ahead is to take action in the present moment. They take calculated risks and do not allow the fear of failure to stop them from taking action. They are not taken aback by chaos; they almost expect it. 

3. Learn from Mistakes

Winners also understand that mistakes are part of the journey. They understand that mistakes are a necessary part of learning and growth. They do not allow themselves to be defined by their failures. I often share that my mistakes are what made me who I am today. I refuse to allow my failures to define me. Instead, I choose to be inspired by my mistakes and failures. I choose to fail forward and to keep pushing. 

I wish I could tell you that I have skated through life unscathed, but I have experienced setbacks, delays, frustrations, disappointments, and even betrayal. I have also made decisions that cost me dearly. Yet, I have become an internationally celebrated performance psychologist, lecturer, and author. None of this is because I'm special, but because I became a specialist, and so can you.  

Winners use mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow. They use the lessons learned from their mistakes to become better and stronger.

4. Embrace Change

Top performers understand that life is constantly changing and evolving. They embrace change and adapt to the changing environment. They understand that change is not something to fear or resist but something to embrace and use to their advantage. You cannot escape change, but you can be intentional about how you experience change. You can choose to grow and determine the direction of your growth. You, and no one else, set the parameters of possibility in your life. Are you ready to break through the ceiling and bust down the walls that have you caged and tamed? Are you prepared to boldly embrace the process to unleash your potential? Embrace the change!

Use change as an opportunity to grow and evolve. Understand that change can bring new opportunities and possibilities.

5. Take Responsibility

This is a huge one! Winners understand that they are responsible for their own destinies. They take full responsibility for their actions, decisions, and results. They do not make excuses or blame other people for their circumstances. Earlier, I mentioned some decisions I wish I could remake. Never did I blame anyone else for the fallout of those decisions. I owned them, and I promised myself I would do better. 

Understand that the only way to make real progress is to take responsibility for your own actions and results. You must be willing to take risks and accept the consequences, good or bad.

6. Believe in Yourself

The top five percent of performers understand that they must believe in themselves in order to succeed. They have faith in their own abilities, and they do not let other people dictate what they can or cannot do. The worst thing you can do is succumb to the random opinion of minimal-minded people who have given up on their dreams and can't see the force of your vision. Stop begging people to validate your vision. Your vision is a part of divine destiny; it's between you and the creator. No one else has to co-sign it. Yes, it feels good when people celebrate and encourage you, but it can't be a requisite for your success. If you can envision it in your mind, that is God's evidence that it is possible. 

The people who get on in this world understand that they have the power to create their own destiny, and they do not allow fear or doubt to stand in their way. They believe in their own potential, and they strive to be the best version of themselves. The most simplistic definition of destiny I have ever heard is, "the most you try to stop it, the more you ensure it will happen. Your obstacles are a part of your journey and rise to prominence. 

7. Stay Positive

Winners understand the power of positivity. They understand that their thoughts and beliefs shape their reality. They choose to focus on the good and stay away from negative thoughts and energy. Not only must you master your thinking, but you must master your self-talk, also. Remember, what you focus on, you will feel. There will always be something negative to focus on, but there will always be something positive to focus on. You have the power to choose what you will give power to by choosing what thoughts you will entertain. Everything in this world results from consciousness, and your thoughts are highly focused components of consciousness. Therefore, you can choose to accept the negative thoughts and ideas flowing through your subconscious, or you can dismiss the negativity and center on the positive. It is completely up to you. 

The elite performers understand that their attitude and outlook have a direct effect on their results. They choose to stay positive in spite of the chaos and focus on solutions instead of problems.

8. Persevere

Winners understand that success requires hard work and dedication. They understand that there will be setbacks and failures, but they do not let these things deter them. They persevere in the face of adversity and never give up on their dreams. They understand that success is a journey and not a destination. They stay focused on their goals and never give up, no matter how hard it gets. When I am asked what asset or trait I believe contributes most to my successes, people are often surprised at the answer. It is not my intellect or mastery of academia. It is not all of the books I've read and courses I've taken. It is definitely not any of my credentials. It is my unparalleled resilience. If I had to define this force in one word, it would be relentless! 

It is not the person with the best plan who wins. It is not the most connected or the better funded who wins. It is the person who is willing to go the distance regardless of the cost. Are you willing to go the distance?


Winners rise above the chaos and vicissitudes of life to win consistently. They focus on their big picture, take action and be proactive, learn from their mistakes, embrace change, take responsibility, believe in themselves, stay positive, and persevere in the face of adversity. By following these eight steps, you can rise above the chaos and win in life.

Preorder my 26th book, Transcendent: The Remarkable Ability to Rise Above the Chaos to Win in Life!

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