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Psycho-cybernetics: The Power of Visionetics to Reconstruct Your Self-Image

Psycho-cybernetics: The Power of Visionetics to Reconstruct Your Self-Image

Visionetics and Self Image


In the mid-20th century, a plastic surgeon, Dr. Maxwell Maltz, introduced a revolutionary concept through his book "Psycho-Cybernetics." This groundbreaking work delved into the connection between self-image and success, arguing that our mental picture of ourselves directly influences our achievements and failures. Maltz's theory was that changing our self-image can alter our behaviors and, consequently, our results. Subsequently, I created a derivative concept that has gained traction called "Visionetics," a method that emphasizes the power of visualization to reconstruct and enhance one's self-image. This article explores the principles of psycho-cybernetics, the role of Visionetics in self-improvement, and the path to becoming a powerful force through the reconstruction of self-image.

The Foundations of Psychocybernetics

Psycho-cybernetics is a blend of psychology and cybernetics. Cybernetics, a term coined by Norbert Wiener, refers to the study of mechanical and biological control systems. Maltz applied this to the human mind, proposing that our brain functions like a servo-mechanism, a goal-seeking device that steers us towards targets based on the images we hold in our subconscious mind.

Self-Image and Success

Central to psycho-cybernetics is the notion of self-image. Maltz observed that many of his patients, despite undergoing successful plastic surgery, continued to feel unattractive and insecure. He realized that physical changes were insufficient if the internal self-image remained unchanged. Thus, he posited that our self-image—the mental blueprint of ourselves—dictates our behavior and limits our success. If we perceive ourselves as failures, no amount of external change will alter our outcomes until we change our internal perception.

Mechanisms of Change

Maltz suggested that changing our self-image involves altering our brain's internal data. This can be achieved through visualization, positive affirmations, and the reprogramming of negative beliefs. We can rewire our mental circuitry to align with our desired self-image by repeatedly visualizing successful outcomes and engaging in positive self-talk. This process is akin to resetting the target of our internal servo-mechanism, allowing us to steer towards success more effectively.

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Visionetics: The Power of Visualization

Visionetics builds on the principles of psycho-cybernetics by emphasizing the role of visualization in reconstructing self-image. It posits that we can program our subconscious mind to achieve these goals by vividly imagining our desired outcomes. This method leverages the brain's ability to simulate experiences and rehearse scenarios, reinforcing positive self-image and behavior.

The Science Behind Visualization

Visualization is not mere daydreaming but a deliberate mental practice that engages the brain's neural pathways. Neuroscience research has shown that the brain does not distinguish between real and vividly imagined experiences. When we visualize a successful outcome, our brain fires the same neural patterns as if we were experiencing that success. This neural activity strengthens our belief in the possibility of success and conditions our mind to act in ways that bring about the desired results.

Steps to Effective Visualization

  1. Clarity of Vision: The first step in Visionetics is to have a clear and detailed vision of what you want to achieve. This involves defining your goals with precision and imagining them in vivid detail. The clearer and more detailed your vision, the more effectively your brain can process and internalize it.

  2. Emotional Engagement: Visualization is most effective when it is emotionally charged. Engage all your senses and emotions in the process. Feel the joy, pride, and excitement of achieving your goals. Emotional engagement intensifies the neural activity associated with the visualization, making it more impactful.

  3. Consistency and Repetition: Like any skill, effective visualization requires practice. Visualize your goals consistently daily, preferably multiple times. Repetition reinforces the neural pathways and strengthens your new self-image.

  4. Affirmative Language: Use positive affirmations to accompany your visualizations. Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce your belief in your abilities and goals. For example, to become a successful public speaker, affirm, "I am a confident and engaging speaker."

Reconstructing Self-Image: A Step-by-Step Guide

The path to becoming a powerful force through psycho-cybernetics and Visionetics involves a structured approach to reconstructing your self-image. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  1. Self-Awareness and Assessment

    Begin by assessing your current self-image. Reflect on your beliefs, attitudes, and self-perceptions. Identify areas where you feel limited or negative about yourself. This self-awareness is crucial for understanding the aspects of your self-image that need reconstruction.

  2. Define Your Desired Self-Image

    Clearly define the person you want to become. What qualities, behaviors, and achievements do you associate with this new self-image? Create a detailed mental picture of your ideal self. This serves as the blueprint for your transformation.

  3. Visualization and Affirmation

    Engage in daily visualization exercises. Spend time each day imagining yourself as the person you want to become. See yourself achieving your goals, overcoming obstacles, and displaying the qualities you admire. Complement your visualizations with positive affirmations that reinforce your new self-image.

  4. Behavioral Alignment

    Align your actions and behaviors with your desired self-image. Act as if you are already the person you want to become. This might involve adopting new habits, changing your posture, or speaking more confidently. Behavioral alignment accelerates the internalization of your new self-image.

  5. Emotional Resilience

    Developing emotional resilience is crucial for maintaining your new self-image. Challenges and setbacks are inevitable, but how you respond to them will define your success. Cultivate a mindset of resilience by focusing on solutions rather than problems and maintaining a positive outlook.

  6. Continuous Improvement

    The journey to reconstructing your self-image is ongoing. Continuously seek opportunities for self-improvement and growth. Set new goals, challenge yourself, and embrace change. This continuous improvement mindset ensures that your self-image evolves positively over time.

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The Path to Becoming a Powerful Force

By reconstructing your self-image through psycho-cybernetics and Visionetics, you can become a powerful force in your own life and the lives of others. Here are some key principles to guide you on this path:

  1. Believe in Your Potential

    The foundation of becoming a powerful force is believing in your potential. Trust that you can achieve greatness and make a significant impact. This belief fuels your motivation and drives you to take action.

  2. Set Bold Goals

    Influential individuals set bold and ambitious goals. Don't limit yourself to small, safe targets. Dream big and set goals that challenge and inspire you. Bold goals push you out of your comfort zone and drive you to realize your full potential.

  3. Take Consistent Action

    Success is the result of consistent action. Break down your goals into manageable steps and take action daily. Consistency builds momentum and brings you closer to your desired outcomes. Remember, small daily actions accumulate into significant achievements over time.

  4. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

    Failure is not a setback; it is a learning opportunity. Embrace failures as valuable lessons that provide insights and growth. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward. Resilience in the face of failure is a hallmark of influential individuals.

  5. Cultivate a Growth Mindset

    Adopting a growth mindset is essential for continuous improvement. Believe that dedication and hard work can develop your abilities and intelligence. Embrace challenges, seek feedback, and persist in the face of difficulties. A growth mindset enables you to thrive in any situation.

  6. Inspire and Empower Others

    True power lies in the ability to inspire and empower others. Share your journey, successes, and lessons with those around you. Be a source of motivation and support for others striving to improve their self-image and achieve their goals. Empowering others creates a positive ripple effect that amplifies your impact.

  7. Maintain Balance and Well-being

    Becoming a powerful force requires maintaining balance and well-being. Prioritize self-care, manage stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Physical, mental, and emotional well-being are essential for high performance and long-term success.


Psycho-cybernetics and Visionetics offer a transformative approach to self-improvement by emphasizing the power of self-image and visualization. By reconstructing our self-image, we can align our behaviors and actions with our goals, unlocking our potential to become powerful forces in our own lives and the lives of others. The journey involves self-awareness, visualization, behavioral alignment, emotional resilience, and continuous improvement. We can achieve greatness and make a significant impact by believing in our potential, setting bold goals, taking consistent action, embracing failure, cultivating a growth mindset, inspiring others, and maintaining balance. The path to becoming a powerful force begins with the power of Vsionetics to reconstruct our self-image and transform our lives.

About the Author:

IMG_1287-1Dr. Wallace has authored and published 28 books, including his latest work, Healed & Whole: Epigenetics and Self-Healing, Transcendent: The Remarkable Ability to Rise Above the Chaos to Win in Life, The War on Black Wealth, Academic ApartheidCritical Mass: The Phenomenon of Next-Level LivingBorn in Captivity: Psychopathology as a Legacy of Slavery,” The Undoing of the African American Mind, and “The Mis-education of Black Youth in America.” He has written and published thousands of scholarly and prose articles and papers, with the overwhelming majority of his work surrounding the enigmatic issues plaguing blacks and inner-city communities on every level. Papers that he has published include: “Special Education as the Mechanism for the Mis-education of African Youth,” “Racial Trauma & African Americans,” “Epigenetics in Psychology: The Genetic Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma in African Americans,” and “Collective Cognitive-Bias Reality Syndrome” — to name a few.

Dr. Wallace is also a powerful and electrifying public speaker who speaks to various types and sizes of audiences on several subjects. He is also a personal life enhancement advisor, life strategist, consultant, and counselor. 

As the Founder and CEO of The Visionetics Institute, Dr. Wallace uses a wide range of disciplines, including quantum psychology, psycho-cybernetics, neuro-linguistic programming, psychology, neuro-associative conditioning, embodied cognitive conditioning, and transformational vocabulary, to help people improve their performance in every area of their lives, including finance, marriage, business, parenting, and more.