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7 Steps to Crushing Your Limiting Beliefs

7 Steps to Crushing Your Limiting Beliefs

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs


When you're feeling down on yourself, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You might have low self-esteem and lack confidence in your abilities, which leads to limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential. But don't worry--there are ways to overcome these feelings! Here's how:

Accept that you will always have some limiting beliefs.

  • You are not alone.
  • It's perfectly normal to have limiting beliefs, even if you don't realize it.
  • In fact, the goal is to systematically crush these limiting beliefs as you identify them and replace them with new ones that serve you better.

Uncover your self-limiting beliefs by writing them down.

  • Write down your self-limiting beliefs.
  • If you're going to write down the negative, you have to counter it by writing down the new beliefs that you want to assume in place of the old ones.

Create a realistic plan to overcome your limiting beliefs.

You will have to create a plan of intervention that identifies every belief that does not serve you and replaces it with a functional and powerful belief that opens the doors to what is possible in your world. Hint: All things are possible when you believe.

  • Create a realistic plan: I always tell my clients that wishing and hoping are not plans or strategies. You will have to create a plan of intervention that identifies every belief that does not serve you and replaces it with a functional and powerful belief that opens the doors to what is possible in your world. Hint: All things are possible when you believe


Identify your strengths and recognize when they're being used.

If you're not sure what your strengths are, ask yourself:

  • What do I love doing?
  • What am I good at?
  • Where can I look back and see evidence of my accomplishments?

Challenge Your Limiting Belief.

In order to identify your limiting beliefs, you need to pay attention to the way you think and speak about yourself. Start by writing down all of your negative thoughts about yourself and then turn each one on its head with a positive statement that contradicts it. For example:

  • "I'm not good enough." vs. "I am good enough"
  • "I'm not smart enough." vs "I am smart enough"

The goal is not perfection but constant intentional growth

Every day when I wake up, my goal is to ensure that I learn something new---that I grow intentionally---so that I don't go to sleep that night being the same man I woke up as.

It's easy to get stuck in your ways and become stagnant. You need an attitude of growth as opposed to perfectionism or stagnation if you want any chance of realizing your dreams and goals in life.

The best way that I have found for creating this growth is by reading books on a daily basis (20 pages minimum per day). Most days I read far more than 20 pages though!

Reading books has been one of the most impactful things for me since becoming an entrepreneur and business owner over 30 years ago now; it has given me tremendous insight into how businesses operate at their highest levels, given me access to some of history's greatest minds who have inspired us all through their writings over time (whether directly through biographies), empowered me with knowledge about vital topics such as health/fitness/nutrition, etc., helped teach me how important communication skills are within relationships both personal & professional..and much much more!

You can change your thinking to improve the way you feel about yourself and your life

Your thoughts are the seeds of your destiny, and you can control your thoughts; therefore, you can control your destiny. You are in control of your thoughts, and therefore you control the way you feel about yourself. You can change your thinking to improve the way you feel about yourself and your life.

The good news is that there are steps we can take to change our limiting beliefs. As they say, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." The first step toward changing any belief is recognizing what it is and acknowledging its power over us.

Understanding how our beliefs are formed is a good first step. The way we see the world is influenced by our experiences, and it is also influenced by the people around us. As children, we learn what’s acceptable and what isn’t from the adults in our lives—our parents, teachers, friends, and other authority figures.

Register for my Crushing Limiting Beliefs self-paced course and experience massive shifts in your performance and quality of life!

Crushing Limiting Beliefs Course

Crushing Limiting Beliefs Course


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The only limits you have in this life are the ones you accept in your mind. You can see the limitations in your thinking, and you know that it's possible to change those beliefs. I created the Crushing Limiting Beliefs course seven years ago to help people break free of their limiting thinking. The program has been extremely successful and I am sure it will help you overcome those limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You've got this!