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This Is My Year ~ A Personal Declaration

This Is My Year ~ A Personal Declaration ~ It Takes More than Words!

Stewart your oppotunities with precision and deliberate focus and commitment! (2)

Every year around this time, I hear or see everybody declaring that this will be their best year ever—that things will finally change. I have no problems with people making declarations. In my 21st book, “I Am:” The Power of Personal Declarations, I talk about the importance of our thoughts and self-talk. I emphasize the physicality of your thoughts.

“You shall declare a thing, and it will be established for you.” (Job 22:28)

Here is where the challenge comes in; the declaration has to be followed by deliberate action. Most people don’t have the endurance and fortitude to push through to positive change. Let’s face it; we live in a microwave society where instant gratification is the order of the day. While problems have expiration dates, your dreams and visions should not.

It is not about whether you have enough resources; your mind, imagination, and creativity are your most incredible resources. To put it another way, your greatest resource is your resourcefulness.

Vision Clarity

A massive impediment to experiencing positive change is a lack of clarity regarding your vision. The ambiguity in your vision creates a deficit in passion and focus. There is no emotional anchor. When you lack clarity, there is nothing to hold you in place when the turbulence associated with life’s vicissitudes rushes into your paradise and shakes the foundation of your hopes and dreams.

The need for clarity is why I encourage my clients to use vision boards and focused journaling. Through your ability to program your subconscious, you will develop the capacity to achieve massive results in any area of life. You have to move past the limiting beliefs that keep you boxed in—living a life less than you desire and deserve.

Stop Looking for the Easy Way Out!

Anyone can follow the easy steps. There is a reason only a tiny percentage of people achieve extraordinary results in life. That one to four percent of high performers is willing to do what the other 96 percent will not do. You will experience setbacks, delays, frustrations, disappointments, and failures. Yes, failures. You will have to learn how to fail and fall forward. Failure is a part of the growth and development process. Every time you attempt to circumvent the struggle, you miss an opportunity to grow. I am not suggesting you go out looking for hardships; I’m saying learn to take on the critical challenges to achieve the desired goal.

People sometimes marvel at my successes in business, academia, writing, and more. They are not immediately privy to the years of hard work I have invested into achieving my success. They don’t know about the losses, the setbacks, the delays. They can’t possibly understand the heart and determination it took to get through so many no’s.

Everybody wants the prize and the promise, but no one wants to endure the process. The process always precedes the prize and the promise. When you consider that I have written and published 25 full-length books (books with 200-plus pages), you must consider it under the light that I read a minimum of 100 books per year. I am constantly in study mode. The 25 books are in addition to thousands of articles, video courses, messages, speeches, etc. I didn’t just appear one day; I grew into who I am by engaging in the process. The same can be said for my success in business and academia.

Look, the game of winning at life doesn’t even start until you have been knocked down.

Your Next Big Move Will Take Place Between Your Ears

You will need to develop your natural gifts and talents, and you will need to merge them with skills that serve your purpose. However, winning is 80 percent psychology. How you think, especially subconsciously, will determine your behavior and habits. If 2023 is going to be your year, and I hope it will, it will begin with your next decision and commitment to deliberate and positive change. Your willingness to adopt new ways of thinking will support the moves you have to make to experience the life you wish to live.

You will have to restructure your circle because the people in your immediate periphery will have the greatest influence on your thinking and behavior, making the most significant impact on your success. Build a winning circle full of people who will fan your flames and hold you accountable for your greatness!

Steward Your Opportunities with Passion & Purpose

Most people talk about the lack of opportunities but miss them daily. If you train your mind to be available and aware of opportunities, you will notice them all around you. The key is not as much about finding opportunities as stewarding them properly. Basically, what you do with the opportunities you encounter is what matters. Stop taking opportunities for granted—postulating they will always be in abundance. There will always be ways to get things done. As long as you breathe, you are still in the fight and can win. However, some opportunities only come once in a lifetime.

You have to learn how to seize the moment.


Greatness is in your DNA, but it is not a default setting. You have to access the gift and purpose and activate it. Once you activate your gifts and purpose, you will spend your life actualizing the potential you discover within yourself. When you commit to living life at the level of your design, you won’t have to chase greatness; it will overtake you.

Finally, you have to ask yourself a tough question. What if 2023 isn’t my year (at least not as I envision it)? Will I quit and give up? If you answer yes, 2023 will not be your year, because you have already created the blueprint for failure. The truth is 2023 can be the most challenging year of your life and still be your year. You have to make it your year by controlling how you deal with the challenges and the level of commitment you have to go the distance. At the end of the day, it is about the distance you are willing to go.

You are invited to join Dr. Wallace for The Battle for the Mind Event on Saturday, January 14, 2023 (Virtual Live Event)

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